Exercise Library



Ball Bridges

Ball Wall Squats

Band Pulldown

Band Woodchop

Belt Bridges

Bend with Pole

Bent over Row

Bicep Stretch

The Brandt Daroff

Bridge on Ball

Broad Back Stretch



Calf Stretch on Step

Cervical Stabilizer

Chest Muscle Stretch

The Clam Variation 1

The Clam Variation 2

The Clam Variation 3

Cook Hip Lift

Corner Pectoral Stretch

Courtesy Lunge



Dead Roach Variation One

Dead Roach Variation Two

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Double Prone Leg Raise



Eccentric Heel Raises



Feldenkrais Spine-Shoulder Integrator

Finding Lumbo-Pelvic Neutral

Floor Hip Lift

Forward Ball Roll

Forward Lunge

Forward Walking Lunge

The Front Plank

Frontal Shoulder Stretch

Fully Integrated Single Arm Press

Fully Integrated Single Arm Row



Gastroc Stretch



Heel Raise on Floor

Heel Raise on Step

Hip Flexor Stretch

Holding Large Globe

Holding Small Globe

Horizontal Thoracic Foamroller protocol



The ITY’s



Kneeling Back Extensions

Kneeling Quad Stretch



Lateral Lunges

Lateral Split Squats

Low Back Stretch

Lower Trunk Rotations

Lumbar Stabilizer

Lumbar Stabilizer (Variation Two)

Lumbar Stabilizer (Variation Three)

Lumbo-Pelvic Stretch

Lunge to 45 Degree Angle



Mckenzie Press-Up

Median Nerve Glides

Mid-Back Stretch

Multifidus Swelling

Muscle Energy Technique for Rotated Pelvis

Myofascial Calf Stretch

Myofascial Scalene Stretch

Myofascial Upper Trap Stretch



No Money



One Arm Band Press

One Arm Band Row

One Leg Bridge on Ball



Piroformis Stretch

Pointed Romburg Balance Exercise

The Prayer Stretch

The Pretzel Variation 1

The Pretzel Variation 2

Prone Ball Roll

Prone Ball Twist

Prone Cobra

Prone Jackknife

Push-up on Wall with Ball

Push-Ups with Legs on Ball



Quadruped Horizontals

Quadruped Verticals



Radial Nerve Glides

Radial Nerve Mobilizations

Reverse Band Woodchop

Reverse Lunge

Reverse Lunge to 45 Degree Angle

Reverse Split Squat to 45 Degree Angle

Reverse Walking Lunge

Romberg with Eyes Closed



Scapular Row

Scalene Stretches

Sciatic Nerve Mobilizations on Wall

Seated Glute Stretch

Seated Hamstring Stretch

Seated Piriformis Stretch

Shin Muscle Stretch

Shoulder External Rotator Stretch

Shoulder Internal Rotator Stretch

Side Laying External Rotation for Shoulder

Single Leg Bridge

Single Leg Deadlift on Ball

Single Leg Deadlift on Step

Single Leg SHEBOB

Single Leg Stance

Single Limb Balance

Single Limb Balance on Slant

Single Prone Leg Raise on Ball

Sleeper Stretch

Slump Slider

Sole of the Foot Stretch

Soleus Calf Stretch on Step

Soleus Raises

Soleus Stretch on Wall

Sphinx Towel Tear

Split Squat

Split Squat to 45 Degree Angle

Split Squat with Chair Block

Split Squat with One Support

Split Squat with Two Supports

Squat with Pole

Standing Gastroc Stretch

Standing Great Toe Extension

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Standing Soleus Stretch

Steeple Exercise

Sumo Deadlift with Pole

Sumo Deadlift with Weight

Superman on Ball

Supine Lateral Ball Roll Level 1

Supine Lateral Ball Roll Level 2

Supine Russian Twist

SwissBall Dumbell Press

SwissBall Pec Major Stretch

SwissBall Pen Minor Stretch



Three Way Towel Scoop

Three Way Ball Crush

Tricep Stretch

TVA Vacuums

Two Arm Band Press

Two Arm Band Row



Upper Trap Stretch

Upper Trap Wallslides



Vertical Thoracic Foamroller Protocol



The “W”

“W” Wall Slides