Pediatric Therapy In Lehigh Valley

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Elizabeth Ortiz

My daughter (11 years old) developed a strange gait and some leg pain during sports practice and games.  We were originally referred to a pediatric orthopedic specialist, but we were quickly brushed off and told that she would “grow out of it.”  We headed to Robbins where Emily Moatz spent an hour watching her walk, testing her flexibility and asking her questions while listening and taking notes.  The Robbins team immediately made a plan to work on her muscle activation and strengthening her leg. For a month, our daughter attended sessions three times a week and looked forward to it every time.  The team (Emily, Heather, Nick, Dan and Mike) always created challenging and engaging activities for someone her age (think obstacle courses and fun races).  Our therapy just concluded and she is feeling better, noticeably walking better and really excited to continue her exercises learned in therapy. If you have children you know that their health is at times even more important that your own and I am so grateful that the team at Robbins cared for her in a way that allowed our concerns to be seen and heard.  We hope to not have to be back soon, but if she needs PT care, Robbins is the only place we will go

Ronald Sheets

Best crew of P.T. s ever.  Tore my shoulder up pretty bad.  Only rehabbing for 3 weeks and able to get good motion with little discomfort. Also friendly happy group of kids.  Excuse the kids…I’m an old timer.

Pediatric physical therapy is an important part of ensuring the healthy development of children. In Our Clinic, there are numerous physical therapy clinics that specialize in providing pediatric physical therapy services. In this article, we will explore what pediatric physical therapy is, its benefits, and how it can be integrated into your child’s healthcare plan in your area.

What is Pediatric Physical Therapy in Lehigh Valley?

Pediatric physical therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and prevention of physical impairments in infants, children, and adolescents. The therapy aims to promote the development of gross motor skills, improve coordination, and enhance mobility and functional abilities.

Pediatric physical therapists are specially trained to work with children with a variety of conditions such as cerebral palsy, developmental delays, sports injuries, and genetic disorders. They use a range of techniques such as exercises, stretches, and play activities to help children achieve their maximum potential.

What are the Benefits of Pediatric Therapy Lehigh Valley

Pediatric physical therapy offers numerous benefits for children’s physical and mental health. Some of the benefits of pediatric physical therapy include:

Improved Motor Skills – Pediatric physical therapy can help improve children’s gross motor skills such as crawling, walking, and running. This can lead to improved coordination, balance, and functional abilities.

Pain Reduction – Pediatric physical therapy can help reduce pain associated with a variety of conditions such as sports injuries, chronic pain, and genetic disorders.

Increased Strength and Flexibility – Pediatric physical therapy can help improve children’s strength and flexibility, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve overall physical performance.

Enhanced Cognitive Development – Pediatric physical therapy can help enhance children’s cognitive development by incorporating play activities that encourage problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking skills.

Improved Quality of Life – Pediatric physical therapy can help improve children’s overall quality of life by increasing their independence, self-esteem, and socialization skills.

How to Integrate Pediatric Physical Therapy into Your Child’s Healthcare Plan

Integrating pediatric physical therapy into your child’s healthcare plan can offer numerous benefits to their physical and mental health. Here are some steps to consider when integrating pediatric physical therapy into your child’s healthcare plan:

Consult with Your Pediatrician – Before starting pediatric physical therapy, consult with your pediatrician to ensure that it is appropriate for your child’s specific condition and needs.

Find a Pediatric Physical Therapist – Find a physical therapy clinic in your area that specializes in pediatric physical therapy. Look for a therapist who has experience working with children and has a good reputation in the community.

Schedule an Initial Evaluation – Schedule an initial evaluation with the pediatric physical therapist. During the evaluation, the therapist will assess your child’s physical abilities and develop a customized treatment plan based on their unique needs.

Attend Regular Therapy Sessions – Attend regular therapy sessions with your child. The therapist will work with your child to improve their physical abilities and achieve their treatment goals.

Practice Therapy Techniques at Home – Practice therapy techniques at home to reinforce the skills learned during therapy sessions. This can help improve your child’s progress and promote overall development.

Schedule Your Visit Today!

Pediatric physical therapy is an important part of ensuring the healthy development of children. In your area, there are numerous physical therapy clinics that specialize in providing pediatric physical therapy services. Integrating pediatric physical therapy into your child’s healthcare plan can offer numerous benefits, including improved motor skills, pain reduction, increased strength and flexibility, enhanced cognitive development, and improved quality of life. By consulting with your pediatrician, finding a pediatric physical therapist, scheduling an initial evaluation, attending regular therapy sessions, and practicing therapy techniques at home, you can help your child achieve their maximum potential.