Physical Therapy in Mount Bethel, PA

Few people probably want to go to physical therapy at any point in their lives. That’s because needing physical therapy likely means you have been injured and have to take the time to recover. You never know what can happen in life; you could slip and fall or get into a sudden car crash.
In cases like that, you may find yourself in need of physical therapy in Mt. Bethel, PA. We want you to know that Robbins Rehabilitation West is here for you when you need us. We treat a multitude of issues that keep you from living life as you once did. We never like to see our patients feeling down and out about life. That is why we treat every patient like a friend rather than just another customer.
Our physical therapists offer exceptional services and unbeatable professionalism. No matter the injury, we are here to help from the moment you come to us to the moment you leave on your last day.
Reasons You Might Need Physical Therapy
When you get injured, you may feel as though you can correct your new aches and pains without physical therapy. However, the fact is that you might have sustained injuries that are too complex for any home remedies. Robbins Rehabilitation West is here to detect your injuries and walk you through the treatments needed to eliminate or reduce your pain. You don’t necessarily need a broken bone or torn ligament to qualify for our services. We always help in any way we can. Here are some useful tips when calling our services.
Heating Pads Don’t Work
While heat is often used to eliminate or reduce pain, heat alone likely won’t solve the problem. Movement and regular exercise are also needed, which you will receive with our physical therapy services in Mt. Bethel, PA. Your home heating pads will likely not be enough if your injury is severe, or if arthritis is what is ailing you. You must still be active for your body to gain strength back again. This is one of the biggest misconceptions we try to dispel with new physical therapy patients, and we don’t want to see all your work go down the drain.
You Fear Challenging Yourself
If you’re hurt, you may feel like the only option is rest. This is simply not the case. The more you challenge your movements, the more benefits you are likely to achieve. Your Robbins physical therapist wants you to be comfortable, but it is also proven that challenging exercises can dramatically improve a patient’s pain. This also applies specifically to older patients who have trouble walking. The only way you’re going to make leaps in your recovery is to challenge yourself. Here at Robbins Rehabilitation West, we encourage challenging yourself so you can recover as best you can.
To Reduce Blood Clot Risks
One of the biggest misconceptions in physical therapy is that blood clots are dissolved only by taking medicine and resting. It was once said that you were more likely to have a blood clot break loose and travel to your lungs if you were physically active. This is not the case; someone who walks around regularly is no more likely to have a blood clot break loose than someone who sits on the couch all day. Bed rest can actually make a clot larger, and this is why we always encourage some sort of physical activity. Constant rest is never the solution to a bodily problem. The only way you are going to get back to feeling yourself again is to be active. Our Mt. Bethel physical therapy can help with that.
See a Mount Bethel, PA Physical Therapist
Robbins Rehabilitation West offers top-quality physical therapy services that have helped patients across the state of Pennsylvania. We are here for our patients and always ensure that they leave us better than they were when they started. Our physical therapists in Mt. Bethel, PA, take care of everyone who walks through our doors.
Call 610-841-3555 today to schedule an appointment with us.