Urinary Incontinence In Lehigh Valley

Urinary incontinence is a very common problem that we see in our Bethlehem clinic. Although common in both men and women, many people feel like it is a normal occurrence with age. Most do not know that physical therapy is an option. So what exactly is urinary incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is the leaking of urine due to “Stress” coughing, sneezing, laughing, or “Urgency” (strong urge to urinate) without the ability to hold it.
Risk factors
- Giving birth (most commonly, right after)
- Multiple pregnancies
- Difficult pregnancies or deliveries
- Long hours standing and walking on hard surfaces
- Excessive coughing or sneezing
- Being overweight
- Bending and squatting throughout the day (picking up your kids, groceries, purse, lawn equipment, etc.)
- Poor lifting mechanics
- Elite athletes such as weight lifters or high impact sports
Frequently Asked Questions
What is causing my urinary incontinence?
There can be many causes of urinary incontinence. Some causes that physical therapy can address include weakness and lack of control of the pelvic floor muscles. Many people do not know how to use their pelvic floor muscles correctly, which can lead to leakage of urine. Also different foods and beverages can cause irritation in the bladder, making you feel like you have to go to the bathroom all the time.
How do I get rid of it?
Well, that depends on what the contributing factors are. Generally the pelvic floor is not working properly with the other muscles in the core. That is why it is so important to get help right away. The good news is that physical therapy is very beneficial in getting rid of or significantly decreasing your urinary incontinence. The sooner we get our hands on the patient, the less time it takes for you to be back in control of your life and your bladder.
Do I need to see my doctor first?
No. Pennsylvania and New Jersey are Direct Access states. This means you do not need to go to your doctor to get a prescription. We work closely with several doctors who specialize in the pelvic pain in the communities we serve, so if you do need to see a doctor, we will set that up for you.
Will my urinary incontinence go away on its own?
It’s possible, but not likely. Unfortunately, most people who have urinary incontinence just deal with it like it is a normal part of their everyday life. They may feel that nothing can be done, but this is where they are wrong. The quicker you get in to see a qualified physical therapist, the faster you can be on your road to recovery.
What should I do now?
The first step to eliminating your incontinence is finding out what is causing it. Call 610-841-3555 right now, and schedule your Free Screen at any of our locations. You will get a free 30 minute appointment with one of our therapists so that you can get all your questions answered.