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Neck Strength

Neck Strength

Many people neglect their necks when they exercise, making it difficult to gain any strength in that area. The neck is just like the rest of the spine, and keeping it strong is important. After all,...

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Top 3 Exercises for Neck Pain

Top 3 Exercises for Neck Pain

There are hundreds of exercises we could have put in this section.  Depending on what is causing your neck pain, some of these exercises might help and some might not.  It is important to realize...

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Infographic for Running Prevention

Infographic for Running Prevention

Click here to download your free PDF of the running infographic above!Work up to your desired distance and pace It is important to ensure that your muscles, soft tissues, and bones are prepared for...

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Neck Pain Infographic

Neck Pain Infographic

Click here to download your free PDF version of the infographic above! Download 1. Maintain good posture Many people tend to have what is referred to as “forward head, rounded shoulders” which...

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