Top 3 Behavior Modifications for Foot and Ankle Pain
Here are some quick tips to help you get rid of your foot and ankle pain fast no matter what the cause. These concepts are simple, but not easy. It will take time and some adjustment on your part,...
Top 3 Causes for Foot and Ankle Pain
Foot and ankle pain is caused by one or a combination of these three main causes… Plantar Fasciopathy The plantar fascia is a thick tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot and spans from your...
Top 3 Exercises for Foot and Ankle Pain
There are hundreds of exercises we could have put in this section. Depending on what is causing your foot and ankle pain, some of these exercises might help and some might not. It is important to...
Put a Spring in Your Step! Get Outdoors without Fear of Falling!
The snow is melting, the days are getting longer, and the weather is warming up. The Spring is the perfect time for you to get outside and get active! For most people, it is a time that we wait for...
Dangers of Falling as you Age and How to Prevent Becoming a Statistic
So let’s start with the statistics shall we? Did you know that one third of the senior population (people over the age of 65) falls each year? To make matters worse, many of these incidents go...
Balance problems? Physical Therapy is the Answer You’ve Been Looking For!
No matter what your age, balance is a vital part of our daily life that is often overlooked. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard, “My balance is terrible but that’s normal, I’m just...
Frequently Asked Questions for Foot and Ankle Pain
Chances are we all either know someone who has foot ankle ankle pain or we have it ourselves. There are a number of different things you can do for foot and ankle pain, but there are so many...
Cause of Dizziness
Does the room start to spin when you get up too quickly? How about if you turn your head too fast? Or perhaps you feel off balance when you are in a busy place like the grocery store or shopping...
Fear of falling keeping you from doing the things you love? Get back on your feet with Tai Chi!
Did you have to miss your grandchild’s soccer game because you couldn’t get on the field? What about that dance recital in the auditorium with too many stairs? It is a heartbreaking reality that I...
Self-tests to Find Out What is Causing Your Balance Problems
1. Single Leg Balance TestTo perform this test, stand near a wall or sturdy object in case you must catch yourself. When ready, place your arms across your chest, focus your eyes on a spot on the...