“Help! I pee when I sneeze!”
Welcome readers! Today I am writing about a very important, but generally private subject among women. The topic is “stress urinary incontinence,” or leaking a little bit of pee when you cough,...
Are you setting yourself up for a dance injury?
Dance injuries? That doesn’t happen! Well…maybe sometimes. Having been a dancer myself for 16 years, I’m very familiar with the probability of injuries occurring throughout a dancers’ career. Ballet...
New Years Resolution
New Years Resolution Everybody always follows up on their New Year’s Resolutions right? Well the number is about 8% that are actually completed, but why is the number so low. Let’s check out a few...
Snow Shoveling. Winter Aches and Pains.
With winter and snow upon is we have to get out and clean up the stuff. Sure it is usually not too bad doing it, but what about the next day. Sore low back and a stiff shoulder sound familiar? These...
Hey Lehigh Valley! There’s a Physical Therapist Right In Your Backyard!
Robbins Rehabilitation: Leading the Conservative Care Revolution Hey – Where can I find physical therapy near me in Lehigh Valley? You are in the right place! Robbins Rehabilitation is a privately...
OrthoBike is NOT Just a Recumbent Bike!
The OrthoBike looks like a recumbent bike with handles. What makes it different? Is it really that different? Yes, it is more different than you can even imagine. It was designed from the ground up...
The PT Clinic My Doctor Wants Me To Go To For Rehab Has Bikes
We met a man walking with crutches across a driveway to the parking lot as we pulled an OrthoBike OB1 on its cart to the same place after a demo. He jokingly asked if he could have one at home! We...
Victory House of Lehigh Valley
Top 3 Behavior Modifications for Neuropathy
Here are some quick tips to help your neuropathy no matter what the cause. These concepts are simple, but not easy. It will take time and some adjustment on your part, but it’s worth the...
Top 3 Causes for Neuropathy
Neuropathy is caused by one or a combination of these three main causes… Diabetes and pre-diabetes Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that is caused by diabetes. Over time, high blood glucose...