Exercise Description: Start by standing with your feet wider than hip width apart and point your toes out about 45*. Keep a slight bend in the knees and then bend at your hips pushing your butt back...
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Free Squat
Exercise Description: Standing with feet about hip width apart or slightly wider, bend your knees and push your hips back like you are about to sit on an imaginary chair. Keep your chest lifted,...
External Rotation Walkouts
Exercise Description: Anchor your resistance band to a secure post about hip height. Facing 90* away from the band, hold the resistance band in your outside arm keeping your elbow at a 90* angle....
Full Abduction
Exercise Description: Start by holding weights in both hands with your palms facing towards you with a slight bend in your elbows. Slowly raise both arms out to the side until you are in a T...
Two Arm Band Overhead Press
Exercise Description: Anchor resistance band to an eye hook closer to the bottom of the wall. Fold band in half so you have both ends in each hand. Face away from the anchor and put one foot forward...
Band Pulldown
Exercise Description: Start by anchoring the band to a stable and secure structure. You will start seated on a swiss ball with the band folded in half so you have an end in both hands. Hinging...
One Arm Band Press
Exercise Description: To perform this exercise, you will have to anchor your resistance band to s sturdy eye hook or object. After the band is secured, take one end of the band and face away from...
Heel Raises
Exercise Description: Start by standing with your feet about hip width apart. Raise your heels off the ground so you are on your toes. Hold for suggested time and then slowly return to starting...
Kneeling Back Extension
Exercise Description: Start by kneeling with your arms crossed over your chest or arms straight up towards the ceiling, From this position, you will start hinging at the hips, pushing your butt back...
Alternating Superman
Exercise Description: For this exercise, you will start by lying over the swiss ball with both feet and both hands on the floor. Engaging your core, slowly lift your right arm and left leg off the...