During the past month, we’ve been focusing on all things knee-pain and have looked at a number of common knee injuries and how to avoid them. Today’s blog post will continue this theme by focusing...
4 Little Known Facts About Physical Therapy in Lehigh Valley
Physical therapists in Lehigh Valley certainly are movement experts, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a little intrigue about them. Check out the list of things here and see if you knew about...
7 Things to Consider When Choosing Physical Therapy in Lehigh Valley
When you are looking for a local physical therapist in Lehigh Valley there really are many things to consider. This is of course your body we are talking about and you want to be in the best hands...
Top 3 Exercises for Neuropathy
There are hundreds of exercises we could have put in this section. Depending on what is causing your neuropathy, some of these exercises might help and some might not. It is important to realize...
Frequently Asked Questions for Neuropathy
Chances are we all either know someone who has neuropathy or we have it ourselves. There are a number of different things you can do for neuropathy, but there are so many conflicting things you hear...
Neuropathy Infographic
Click here to download your free PDF version of the neuropathy infographic! Check your feet Performing regular foot checks is important when you have neuropathy as you bear all of your weight...
What is Women’s Health…? …Isn’t HEALTH the SAME for Men and Women?
Most life sustaining body functions are the same to both men and women. Our hearts pump blood, Our lungs fuel that blood with oxygen, Our brains have nerves that send messages controlling all bodily...
Swimming: A Joint-Healthy Way to Perform Cardiovascular Exercise
Christopher Rodolico, PT, DPT One of the most common series of questions we often receive from patients, especially as they approach the end of their rehabilitation cycle, is in regards to which...
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Christopher Rodolico, PT, DPT Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an umbrella term that’s often used to describe a number of different injuries that affect the muscles, nerves, and tendons, primarily...
Don’t let holiday Work Comp Injuries get you down!
The holiday season can be a great time of year. Snow is falling, joy is all around, and decorations are being hung. While many companies and organizations celebrate, it’s also a time to take extra...